Barcelona 🇪🇸

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We continue with this series of post, this time in the famous Barcelona. I’ve been lucky to be there for work a few times and I always enjoyed the running part.

Map of Barcelona


From what I’ve seen during my visits (5 or 6 times I think), most runners follow the coast from the center toward La Barceloneta and sometimes farther, and as you know from this blog, it is not really what we plan to show here.


Another good option is Parc de Montjuïc, as you avoid the traffic and can have a nice view on the city. I tried it once early in the morning and could even see Mallorca (picture taken with an ordinary pocket camera). In the park you can easily mix road and hiking paths, I really recommend it.


Running in the center is not so fun, because of the traffic lights, the tourists and the monotony (maybe).

Hors des sentiers battus

During another trip in the main city of Catalunya, I could find nice tracks in the higher districts, with amazing views, the problem is that if you have the hotel in the center and at sea level, this means you have to run 4 or 5 km before reaching this nice part.

There is a lot a view points that you cannot miss, for example Turó del Carmel (266 m) or the Turó de la Rovira (262 m). What I also noticed (and enjoyed) is all the stairs, you can really go up and down for a while.


Still on my wish-list: Tibidabo, which one can see from almost everywhere. It seems clearly feasible, just a matter of time and organisation.

A few tracks I liked

Around Montjuïc: classic but effective, any time of the day.
Miradores Barcelona - Parc Güell: 10 km around the Parc Güell, hilly and spectacular.
Miradores Barcelona: 9 km but more than 400 m of positive elevation according to my watch, not bad.