Hamburg 🇩🇪

I’ve had the opportunity to visit Hamburg two times, without any prior idea of where to go.
Looking at the map, it is clear that we have easy options: following the Elbe river, the track was nice, with some stairs if I remember well, and at the end a cool beach. The other clear option was the loop around the 2 artificial lakes, Binnenalster (the small one) and Außenalster. The loop around the 2nd is more than 7 km long. Perfect place for pace training. From the center to the lakes, you can also cross the park Planten un Blomen.
Hors des sentiers battus
I could not really find something worth mentioning during these two visits, so it’s added on the task list. I’ve explored the Hafencity district a little bit, that was not so fun to run.
A few tracks I liked
Planten un Blumen: in the parks and around Binnenalster.
Außenalster: around the big lake. Fast and furious!