Let's get it started

As a first post in this blog I didn’t want to talk about myself or the races I’ve run.
I preferred to write about a friend who has started to run less than 2 years ago and just finished a marathon a couple of days ago. Great preparation, great performance, I feel really happy for him.
Many think running it’s an individual sport but at the end we often run to be with friends, we learn from others and we compete against a same race (not always againt runners). Personnaly I’ve felt more individualism in team sports than in running.
That friend who finished the marathon told me he felt great since he started training with more frequency and intensity, not only is he fitter, but also in it’s day-to-day life he finds he has more energy.
That doesn’t mean everybody should run of course, but just moving (more), especially for those like me who spend a lot of time in front of their computer screen(s), can already be a good starting point to feel better.
That’s all for now, back to the screen, the bash terminal and the Visual Studio editor.