Not so long ago I had to update and check my list of publications and conferences (everything is stored in BibTex format and versioned using GitHub), and I had to idea to turn that information into a simple map. The good thing is that the procedure is really to repeat with other BibTeX files, provided the information concerning the place of the conferences (town, country) is provided.
+ Basemap
is the right combo.Again, nothing fancy: we open the file storing the conference info and read its content:
with open(bibtex_file) as f:
bib_database = bibtexparser.load(bibtex_file)
Then we can loop on the reference and get the address field:
for conf in bib_database.entries:
address = conf["address"]
and from the address we can get the coordinates for the plot:
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
geolocator = Nominatim()
location = geolocator.geocode(address, timeout=20)
For the plot it was slightly tricky to get the fontawesome icons correctly and to have the desired colorbar, but at the end it worked as expected: the markers are colored according to the number of times a conference was attended in a given place.
A jupyter notebook showing the whole code available: conference_map.ipynb.