Polar Ocean facing changes

15 April 2019  

LaTeX (tikz, tcolorbox)  

Every year we help to organise the colloquium with a involvement varying with the years, unfortunately in 2019 my contribution was limited to advertisements on social media and the conference flyer.


One of the advantage of the topic, Polar Ocean facing changes, is that it can be connected to nice images and landscapes (it could not be possible for example with Data assimilation…). Thus we wanted to have several photographies used in the flyer. The title banner displays different aspect of the polar research: instrumentation, air-sea interaction, animals and of course humans.

Polar Ocean facing changes

Two fonts were used for the title:

  1. a simple font providing an image of stability
  2. another font with a more dramatic effect aimed to represent the changes.

The rest of the layout was kept similar to the previous years (here for 2016 and 2018). While it is not really innovative, the general style is consistent from one year to the next.


The LaTeX source is available on GitHub: CLQ2019_poster.tex. I must say that what you can do with the package tcolorbox is just amazing (the manual is 469-page long!).