MEDESS-GIB drifter trajectories

01 March 2016  

Python (matplotlib)  


The authors needed an illustration showing the drifter trajectories and the main oceanic structures as an overlay.


In addition to the trajectories, the sea water temperature measured by the drifters can also constitute a relevant information.


For the temperature scatter plot, a diverging color-map is selected to highlight the contrast between the cool Atlantic Water and the warmer Mediterranean Water.

The Western and Eastern Atlantic Gyres (names WAG and EAG) are represented as circle in projected coordinates. The arrows are added as a small segment of the circle annotated with a specific arrow style.

MEDESS-GIB drifter trajectories

The Atlantic Jet are designed in 2 steps:

  1. with a click-and-save technique: the coordinates of a series of points are captured and stored in an intermediate file;
  2. a spline function is applied on the coordinates to obtain a smooth line.


The Python module is called pickpoints. While it worked when I prepared the figures for the paper, I could not make it work with the latest version of python

```python import pickpoints import numpy as np

points = test_pick_point.pic2data(‘/data_local/Publis/20150528_MedGib/figures/1-s2.0-S0079661113001080-gr1B.jpg’)

points = test_pick_point.pic2data(‘/data_local/Publis/20150528_MedGib/figures/’ ‘Medgib_SST_medium_domain_currents2_reversed.png’) np.savetxt(‘/home/ctroupin/Publis/20150528_MedGib/python/AtlanticJet2.dat’, points)